Angkor Vat

Bastien Dronneau

OPS / Sports / Dev / Pics


Nice to meet you, I’m Bastien Dronneau!

I’m an engineer with experience in infrastructure, automation and backend development. I’m interested in learning new technologies and building things with them. I love put automation and CI/CD in my projects, even more if there are build on top of Golang.


Status UP
Current website build on top of hugo and display with custom bulma theme. Build with the minimal footprint (no JS, selected load fonts).
Status UP

Application develop for internal need of Versailles.

Status UP

This project aims to remember you some memories

Status UP

Helper for talos config and contexts

Status UP
Ansible role to deploy traefik on debian base OS.
Status UP
CLI to interract with Shortcut in order to add some missings stats and reports.
Status UP

Allow Ansible vault from Terraform.

  • Read motivation on this project on medium
Status Freeze
Blog build on top of getgrav in order to share my traveling.
Status Freeze

OpenSource application that centralizes your stava activities with global stats, achievements, …

Status Freeze

OpenSource dashboard base on in order to display multiples data sources

  • AWS numbers of ec2, RDS, buckets, ELB
  • Current alerts on consul
  • Numbers of repos & Pull requests from Github
  • Online users from Google Analytics

Note Dashing is not currently maintain, so there is no more evolution on this implementation.

Status RIP

First utilisation of hugo. Build to share articles on my technical journey. Two parts: theme with materializecss and data.

I stop this project because I’ve not enought time and skill to write and produce good articles.

Status RIP
IRL application on Android. Challenge your life with goals.